

  • It cannot handle plastics, metals,paper, fruit stones bigger than 1 cm, threads, yarn, branches, wood, animal litter, and animal carcasses.

  • Don’t put only high-sugar or starch foods such as apples or potatoes in the composter because the sugar and starch will become harder after the water dries up, forming hard lumps that can cause blockages. (Mixing vegetables and other foods with high-starch foods can solve this problem.)

  • The bucket of the composter is a reinforced non-stick pan. To protect its non-stick effect, it is not recommended to put in hard foods such as shells and large bones, especially shells which can easily damage the non-stick layer.

Please be aware that, like most appliances, Puresky is not intended to function in below-freezing temperatures. Puresky must be in a closed, dry environment where there is no risk of it being rained on or otherwise subjected to the elements.

Yes, but it may take longer to process, so you can start a second cycle to allow the food waste to break down completely.

The carbon filters last between 3-6 months with regular use, or 500 cycle hours. If food waste has denser, wetter or smellier, the wear and tear speed of activated carbon will be slightly faster.

We recommend changing your Puresky filter every 3 to 6 months. And the machine monitors the usage of the filter box and provides timely reminders for replacement.

You can use the finished product directly in your garden by placing it on top of the soil near your plants and gently raking it in. The end product will not be quite as potent as traditional compost from a compost pile. However, it is far better than adding chemical fertilizers and will still add organic materials to your soil.

Featuring a detachable design that allows for easy detachment of the grinding blades, you can thoroughly clean every nook and cranny, ensuring hygiene and long-lasting use.
And Puresky Composter has a Cleaning Mode, it can be cleaned automatically.

Puresky is designed to be highly energy-efficient and also uses the heat generated during the composting process.
The power consumption of Puresky is estimated between 150 - 200 kWh / year for a four-person household. This is similar to the consumption of a coffee machine at home. For a two-person household, the consumption is around 75 - 100 kWh.
Simply plug it in and start composting!

  • The machine's nameplate indicates 500W, but its average power during the entire working process is around 150W (the machine has intelligence sensing and can adjust power in real-time). The power consumption for a regular food cycle is about 0.5 kWh.

  • Regarding the "cannot handle" foods, it means that there is a probability of abnormal occurrences during processing, such as:
    1. machine blockage and alarm (requires manual intervention);
    2.damage to the non-stick layer of the feeding bucket, affecting its non-stick effect.

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